Basic Actions Part 10: Making Past Tense Sentences in Chamorro With Intransitive Verbs – “I stayed”

In this post we’ll learn how to start using intransitive verbs in basic, past tense sentences so we can say things like “I walked” or “They stayed.” We will be looking at some commonly used intransitive verbs and how to conjugate those verbs for past tense statements. As a note, this post will be making sentences that have only 1-2 subjects doing the action. Sentences that have 3 or more subjects will be covered in a separate post. This set of notes also includes a link to a Quizlet deck to help us learn the conjugations. Happy studying!

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Basic Actions Part 9: Introduction to Intransitive Verbs and Affixes in Chamorro

Up until now, my notes about action sentences in Chamorro have focused on the use of transitive verbs, which are verbs that require their action to be transferred to an object. In this next series of posts on basic action sentences, we will learn how to start using intransitive verbs to make sentences like “I am jumping” or “We sat down.” This first post will be an introduction to the concept of affixes and intransitive verbs in Chamorro, including a beginner-level review of the different categories of intransitive verbs and the affixes they take. Happy studying!

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