Sångan yan Råmen ginen as Shing Yin Khor

Do you like reading web comics? I love reading web comics, and especially now with all the variety of art styles and stories. I found this comic on Catapult, written and illustrated by Shing Yin Khor. For fun and to flex our translation muscles, Jay and I translated it into Chamorro. There may be some errors in our translation, but hopefully you enjoy reading it, as we really enjoyed translating it into our language. We’ve also included the audio narration in Chamorro to help with listening and reading practice. You can also read Shing Yin Khor’s original comic in English at this link: Catapult | Say It With Noodles

taitai MÅs

When Jose Was Lost

Here’s a story about a time when a little boy named Jose got lost and wanders around, visiting the different animals. The original illustrations for this story were done by Janet P. Moreno, but I’ve given it a refresh with this illustration generated by the Midjourney art AI. Chamorro text, a Chamorro audio narration, an English translation, and a Quizlet flashcard deck are included in this post. Happy reading!

Quizlet Study Deck for this story: Quizlet Annai Abak si Jose

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Kåntan Chamoru: Lengguåhi

In ekungok i kanta “Lengguåhi” ginen as Joe Garrido gi durånten i inetnon praktika gi Såbalu. In ekungok pues pula’. Gof ya-hu este na kånta, sa’ siña hu hungok i guinaiyå-ña para i lengguahi-ta. Ya este na kånta ha na’matatnga yo’ sa’ ha sasångan este: “Mungnga’ chathinasso, usa i lengguahi.” Estague i pinilå-hu:

Ekungok i tinige’-hu gi Chamoru.
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