Kåntan Chamoru: I Kapiya

Annai hu tutuhon umeyak i lengguahen Chamoru, hu ekungok este na kånta sa’ ti komplikao i palåbra siha. Ekungok yan gosa 🙂

I kapiya, i kapiyaThe chapel, the chapel
gi kañådan guinifein the valley of dreams
annai atmonio dumadåndandan guihiwhere the organ plays

Guaha un kantora yan si påle’There is a singer and the priest
na sumåsaga guihithat are living there
gi kapiya gi kañådan guinifein the chapel in the valley of dreams

Bobongbong i korason-huMy heart was beating
annai madåndåndan i kampanawhen the bells were making music
dumimo yo’ gi me’nan i attatI knelt in front of the altar
annai para ta asaguawhen we were going to be married

Ya iyo-mu yo’ ya iyo-ku haoAnd I am yours and you are mine
sa’ manhula’ hit guihibecause we pledged there
gi kapiya gi kañådan guinifein the chapel in the valley of dreams

Bobongbong i korason-huMy heart was beating
annai madåndåndan i kampanawhen the bells were making music
dumimo yo’ gi me’nan i attatI knelt in front of the altar
annai para ta asaguawhen we were going to be married

Ya iyo-mu yo’ ya iyo-ku haoAnd I am yours and you are mine
sa’ manhula’ hit guihibecause we pledged there
gi kapiya gi kañådan guinifein the chapel in the valley of dreams
gi kapiya gi kañådan guinifein the chapel in the valley of dreams
gi kapiya gi kañådan guinifein the chapel in the valley of dreams

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