Kåntan Chamoru: Saipan

Here’s a song that our practice group listened to a while back. I remember hearing this song within my first few months of learning Chamorro, and at that time the only words I could really catch were “Saipan”, “Chamoru”, and “para’isu.” I’m happy to say that now I’m able to hear the lyrics and sing along to this one, and it has become another favorite. During my brief visit to Saipan last year, the island and its people really were as welcoming and lovely as the song says. We even met a Korean couple who were on their honeymoon in Saipan, and the first thing they talked about was everyone’s kindness. Bula guinaiya to Saipan 🙂

Annai måtto yu’ Saipan yan i amigu-huWhen I arrived on Saipan with my friend
Mañienti yu’ na gaige yu’ gi tano’ ChamoruI felt that I was in the land of the Chamorro
I respetu mås takhilo maseha hoben pat åmko’Respect is the highest, whether young or old
Bunitu na islan para’isu, bai fåttu mambisita ta’loBeautiful island of paradise, I will come to visit again
Kumuentus ham gi rediu, madandan i kantå-kuWe talked on the radio, my song was played
Pues sigi ham pumasehu, hu bisita i familiå-kuThen we continued going around, I visited my family
Giya San Roke manhami bumoka guihi na puengiIn San Roke we were eating together that night
Saipan, Si Yu’os Ma’åse para todu i bidan-miyuSaipan, thank-you for everything you have done
Saipan, maseha håyi un kuentusi(in) Saipan, whomever you talk to
I lengguahen Chamoru ma usa sempriSurely they will use the Chamorro language
Magof i kurason-hu todu i tiempoMy heart is happy all the time
Sa’ hågu ha’ na islan para’isuBecause you alone are the island of paradise
Saipan bai hu fåttu guatu ta’loSaipan I will arrive there again
Sa hågu guaiyayon na tåno’ ChamoruBecause you are the one that is the loveable land of the Chamorro
Saipan, sen gåtbu na flores yan trongkuSaipan, there very fine flowers and trees
Saipan, ti bai maleffa’ nu håguSaipan, I will not forget you
Saipan, maseha håyi un kuentusi(in) Saipan, whomever you talk to
I lengguahen Chamoru ma usa sempriSurely they will use the Chamorro language
Magof i kurason-hu todu i tiempoMy heart is happy all the time
Sa’ hågu ha’ na islan para’isuBecause you alone are the island of paradise
Sa’ hågu ha’ na islan para’isuBecause you alone are the island of paradise
Sa’ hågu ha’ na islan para’isuBecause you alone are the island of paradise

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